I love starting a new year with getting organized. There is nothing quite like opening a freshly organized drawer or cabinet and being able to find what you are looking for! This month we tackled the girls’ bedrooms and their dresser drawers. No more, “Mom! Where are my pants!” I even got little Miss C. (age 2) involved in the process.
First I printed some simple clip art pictures of the items contained in each drawer…colored and cut them out.
Next came the teaching moment. You have to teach them the organization system or you will be the one always organizing things! This way they know the drill and can be better helpers.
I hade little Miss C. open the drawers and tell me what she saw in them and then she had to match the picture to the items in the drawer.
Lastly, we taped the picture to the outside of the drawer. Now when we clean her room she can put her “jammies” in the “jammie drawer”! I love it!
I also helped my 5 year old get her drawers organized. We put signs in the bottom of her drawers so she can see what is supposed to go it each drawer.